Increasing advancement in Financials Sectors have given greater opportunities to the Individual Investor to invest even on a smaller scale and reap the benefits of a large investment.
The Financial Sector has turned into a market place where you can shop Financial Instrments as per your needs. Instruments can be selected such that they define your needs correctly.
On the loan front as well, varities of products are available to suit the requirements.
However, this has lead to an ocean of investment products available to choose from, which resulted into decision making becoming difficult. Furthermore, different financial products have brought with them various complexities, limitations, etc. which require a thorough understanding as well as time in order to Identify products to suit the needs.
At FACT, we are essentially trying to Identify your needs and match them with the available Financial Products so that the current as well as the future needs are met and at the same time, the possibility of Capital Growth and Wealth Creation are considered.
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